Tuesday, September 11, 2012

About me.

My name is Lauren. I am a proud mother to three absolutely amazing and beautiful children. Aiden is my oldest child, and my only son. He has more energy in his entire body than I think I will have in a lifetime but is incredibly sweet. Ellie is my middle child, and oldest daughter. She is extremely girly which is new territory to a tom-boy like myself and mostly a Daddy's girl. Cambria, my baby, is my youngest daughter. She is extremely laid back and happy and is full of smiles. I am married to a soldier in the Army who just so happened to be my first kiss and my first love. Parenting is the biggest thing in my life, it's what I do all day every day so most of this will revolve around my children. I have an "attachment" style of parenting in most ways. I will be starting college courses soon to work towards a degree in nursing which I fully intend to turn into a midwifery degree. I'm not the most interesting person but my children and the funny things they say and do have inspired me to start up this blog :)

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